January 28, 2013

There are times in life when you feel you would be hated for your brutal honesty but the point is "should you let it go?"

Most people legitimately claim to be honest set of people some rare breed don't . From all those big claimers there are majorly 4 categories that i could mark out -

  1. The one's who are plain simple liars and claim they are true occasionally/mostly getting caught then accepting their brazen lie .
  2. The one's who are also lairs but prove it right to a set of people with their might.
  3. The one's who are say/do a thing truly believing that it's a truth unaware of the fact that its not really right creating there own parallel reality and breeding in it.
  4. The simply honest kind.
My personal concern here is regarding the class 4 "The simply honest one". Is it OK to be in that class and do everything as it should be and not care for anything or anyone else , which might at times mean hurting your personal or someone else's emotion?

 Is it really right to be that honest or is it fine to let it loose sometimes considering others and letting it go for the  moment and not do the right thing/talk?